[Libmsn-discuss] Patch for address book contacts no displayname on really old MSN accounts
José Agustín Terol Sanchis
16 years ago
Hi, I have found a similar bug on soap.cpp like founded by Anders Karlsson.
Like Anders, I am a Kopete user since many years and I use it to show my
MSN account. With the step from KDE 3.5.x to 4.2.x some months ago I also
got a new version of Kopete and by that a new version of libmsn.

Then I get a similar error. There is a contact in my address book that
doesn't have a display name. This attribute (and maybe can occur with the
others attributes) couldn't be founded at the server response and the method
"getText()" called from "Soap::parseGetAddressBookResponse" will return
NULL. This NULL value will throw a exception at the std::string constructor
that will abort the address book parsing and, by the way, the connection to
the service.

I am using Debian sid and I have installed the package libmsn4.0~beta6-1.
Applying this patch to the package source, my account will connect

Also I try beta7 of libmsn and it crash with and without applying my patch.
I supose that this should will fix by the Kopete team in a future release.

PS: I hope you can understand me. Sorry for my english :-)

*José Agustín Terol Sanchis*
José Agustín Terol Sanchis
16 years ago
I've had problems with the first e-mail that I send yesterday and I am
forwarding it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: José Agustín Terol Sanchis <***@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/8/23
Subject: Patch for address book contacts no displayname on really old MSN
To: libmsn-***@lists.sourceforge.net

Hi, I have found a similar bug on soap.cpp like founded by Anders Karlsson.
Like Anders, I am a Kopete user since many years and I use it to show my
MSN account. With the step from KDE 3.5.x to 4.2.x some months ago I also
got a new version of Kopete and by that a new version of libmsn.

Then I get a similar error. There is a contact in my address book that
doesn't have a display name. This attribute (and maybe can occur with the
others attributes) couldn't be founded at the server response and the method
"getText()" called from "Soap::parseGetAddressBookResponse" will return
NULL. This NULL value will throw a exception at the std::string constructor
that will abort the address book parsing and, by the way, the connection to
the service.

I am using Debian sid and I have installed the package libmsn4.0~beta6-1.
Applying this patch to the package source, my account will connect

Also I try beta7 of libmsn and it crash with and without applying my patch.
I supose that this should will fix by the Kopete team in a future release.

PS: I hope you can understand me. Sorry for my english :-)

*José Agustín Terol Sanchis*
Tiago Salem Herrmann
16 years ago
Hello José,

Thanks for the patch. I committed it to svn today.
